Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Her life was like a movie, she mused. One of those overly dramatic ones, where it’s one thing after another, and tonight was the climax.

After being accused of things she didn’t do and having him tell her that he didn’t love her, she was furious with him. She had been biting her tongue the entire relationship, afraid to anger him, afraid to lose him. But that all changed tonight—she finally had enough. Tonight she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

That was until he bluntly said, “When I die, you’re going to be the reason why.” That comment stopped her right in her tracks.

She repeatedly told him that he was better than that, but he was too stubborn to listen. It wasn’t until a mutual friend of theirs told her that the last thing he said to them was that he was not okay and walking in traffic. That’s when panic ensued.

She messaged every single one of her friends as well as her, urging them all to go out and search for him. The comments he made no longer mattered, only his safety. For an hour she frantically searched for him, only to come up empty handed. It neared the early hours of the morning and her heart was in her throat until she finally heard that he was safe with his brother.

She spoke with his brother briefly and he assured her that he would keep him safe. She finally started to settle down and considered sleeping after spending the last three nights sleepless. Just when she calmed herself, she got another message from his brother apologizing for talking to her at this time but that his brother insisted he speak with her on the phone, and refusing anything else until then.

Concerned, she obliged and anxiously waited to hear her boyfriend’s voice on the phone.

It wasn’t, however, the one she was used to hearing every night. It was quiet, groggy and unfocused. He didn’t sound sober, in fact, he sounded barely alive.
Her mind was racing again, trying to figure out what he could have possibly done to himself. It wasn’t until morning that she learned that he had mixed several ecstasy pills with alcohol, and that she was the reason why.

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