Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Start

This was the beginning of real life, she thought to herself as she wove through the large crowd. There was no going back now. Her stomach felt like a thousand butterflies were fluttering around, and her heart felt like it was in her throat. The plane ticket felt so right in her hand, like this was all meant to be. She was about to hop on a plane that would take her to her new home, thousands of miles away. In her new city she didn’t know anyone or where anything was, there was no real reason for her to move either, she was doing it to live out her dream.

As she got onto the plane, she envisioned how the tropical sun would feel against her skin, as well as the slight breeze from the ocean. She pictured the beautiful sounds the birds would sing, and she’d have a hop in her step, humming along with the birds.

She belong in the tropics, cold weather was not her thing. She could handle the bugs, the heat and the humidity; she was also excited to adjust to the season switch. In North America it was winter, in Australia it was summer. That was a pretty easy switch, she thought as she smiled to herself.

Hours later, the plane landed and she was the first one to jump out of her seat. She was too excited to even notice the stiffness in her legs from sitting for so long. As she made her way through the airport her excitement grew. This was it, life began now.

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